My sister pointed me to the way where I could download and read these transcripts.
So if you are not spiritually inclined, read no further than this sentence. Personally, I found the Jeshua Transcripts one of the most stirring piece of literature in my entire life.
Perhaps, I was ready for it, or something like that. The spoken words through a man has been transcriped and now are in written form. They exude an aura of mysticism and yet are not clear in their messages that even a child can understand them.
Thousands of years ago, the man they called Jesus walked the holy land, except back then, it wasn't known as the holy land but just a piece of ground that was ruled by Romans and occupied by a motley crew of inhabitants, good, bad and the ugly.
Through the centuries, the quest of spiritual knowledge among mankind has been unrelenting. It is one of the quirks of man and it is to search for something that he knows exists except that he can't his mind and finger on it.
The Jeshua Transcripts fulfil and satisfy the need of such seekers. I found the words healing my soul and speaking to my heart. I was glad, astounded and delighted at the same time.
It's time you have been wandering on earth for decades searching for the perfect soul, and then this person shows up at your door and tells you of the wonders of life, here, now and forever.
The phrase "when the student is ready, the master appears" has often been said but rarely understood. With Jeshua Transcripts, all the planets come into alignment. I know this smacks of something like out of Star Wars. But what could be a simpler explanation than the order of higher beings has come into play.
The majority of us who are too preoccupied on a daily basis with earthly possessions and matters of temporal beauty and fleeting pleasure will be disinclined to follow Jeshua's path. There will be a select few who recognise the signs and answer the call from beyond.
Jeshua ben Joseph as the entity identifies himself speaks of things intangible and yet eternal. If we are to understand fully what he says, our hearts must be open and our souls willing.
His are the words that are wonderfully rich in content. It is as if he is looking into your soul and speaking to your spiritual self - the one that God had implanted in every living form, particularly the one we call man.
If you are looking for ways or avenues to achieve material wealth, you would be grossly mistaken. However, the messages and advice are worth far more than you could ever imagine.
The Transcripts is like a holy grail. All you need to do is to drink the contents and you will be transformed forevermore.
The Jeshua Transcripts comes in several little chapters or booklets. It has a continuity that seems to be travelled along the Milky Way. It comes from a source yet unknown.
The power of its messages is immense and immesurable. Perhaps I exaggerate but I would like to akin reading the transcripts to standing before the Burning Bush, much like what Moses had experienced eons ago.
If you have the time, and if you are one of the seekers of eternal peace, look up the Jeshua Transcripts. I assure you that you won't be disappointed.
Have you ever stood before the Portal of Eternity and caught the soothing and the magnificent shining light that emanates from it?
Go forth and challenge yourself. There is nothing to fear and everything to gain.