Thursday, June 14, 2007

Guideposts to a happy life

I have read hundreds of books in my life but some of the books that have inspired me no end come from the sphere bordering spirituality and selflessness.
The Guideposts magazine has been around for decades. In the years past, many of the wonderful anecdotes that have rebuilt lives, repaired broken ones and inspired the timid to greater things have been compiled in volumes that have graced the shelves of countless book shops.
I have had the luck to come across some of these books and have read them with great relish. True tales of courage and of people overcoming great odds to scale to the top have served as rungs for me to move up several levels above from where I were before.
If I were asked to recommend reading material for school children, I would, without hesitation, recommend Guidepost books and magazines.
These are the stuff that made happy people. Being successful in life doesn't necessarily involve material wealth. It could be as simple as having lots of genuine friends and loved ones surrounding you all the time.
What is the moral of the message then? It means "don't try to be clever". It is a line that is often repeated but seldom heard because we are too busy trying to impress others, sadly including to ourselves.
The next time, you feel an urge coming to show off your talent, skill or simply your new watch, desist. Life's much simpler and happier if you do not expose your lack of wisdom.
There are already too many clever people on earth. That's why this planet has so many problems!

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