Friday, June 06, 2008

How about that 2000-year-old book?

Once I happened to mention to a friend regarding a book that seemed to be popular among some readers: "That's an old book."
"So is the Bible," came back the quick reply. My friend continued: "I believe it is still widely read." On hearing that, I learnt my lesson.

And what a valuable lesson it was too. If only more people read the Bible, not out of religious obligations but because it has some of the most fascinating stories told to men, it will achieve instant worldwide record sales.

As we all know, the Bible has been around for two millennia. It has been translated into scores of languages. It continues to find its way into countries and regions where it is banned for reasons unknown.

Amid some controversies that sometimes dogged its continued publication, the Bible has continued to gain readers from all ages.

Is it the most important book ever published? Frankly, I can't say for sure. What I do know is that you won't lose a cent if you browse through several chapters without any preconceived notions.

I have a Muslim friend who told me that he has read the Bible four times! Now, that's dedication for you. I dare not challenged him on his knowledge of scriptures after hearing his declaration.
I was quite sure he will win.

There is the Genesis and then there is the Book of Revelations. Such captivating tales of ages gone by. People who have walked the holy land, and from the sea of Galilee to the mountain of Sinai, blood had been shed, souls had been saved.
The Bible has recorded all these momentous events and then some. Kings had risen and many more had fallen.
Trouble over the holy land continued from before the birth of Jesus to today when man has landed a spacecraft on Mars. These are the times when perhaps we need to reconsider our priorities.

Without sounding too much like a religious fanatic, we should now and then flip through the pages of the Bible and know that God lives through the word and is the Word. So it was in the beginning, so it shall in the end of time.

So if you are wont to look for a bestseller, to quench that thirst in your soul and assuage the hunger in your mind and heart, dip into the waters of Biblical times and swim to the shores of Enlightenment.

Fore there you shall find comfort and solace, as have millions of others who have lived before you in times forgotten, and will continue to be read by others who will come thousands of years after you have graced this lovely planet.

1 comment:

hassan said...

i say you
Read only one time Holy Quranyou will get more than Holy Bible but more accurate and more trusty.
if you want more about that than reply me