Sunday, November 06, 2005

SWEET SAVAGE LOVE by Rosemary Rogers

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ROSEMARY ROGERS is labelled as Queen of Historical Romance. Her novels are not to be taken lightly, not by her devoted readers, that is. I happen to be one of her fans. Miss Rogers has left a deep impression on me many years ago as a woman who knows her characters and the historical tapestry of her tales.
Clearly, her novels reveal that she has done some fair measure of research into breathing an air of authenticity into her stories.
From the breathtaking splendour of Paris ballrooms to the dusty sands of Mexico, Ginny Brandon was to meet her match in passion and desire in the form of Steve Morgan. Together they set the stage for one of the greatest love stories ever told by Rosemary Rogers.
Ginny is the stunningly attractive daughter of an American senator and her paramour is Steve, a soldier of fortune, in modern day parlance, a mercenary. Steve and Ginny will fight each other's attraction in the unpredictable and sometimes dangerous circumstances that prevail in the wild, wild West before they come to terms with love's paramount objective.
Sweet Savage Love is a novel that unchains your heart and frees it from the confines of self-imposed emotional restrictions. From Rosemary's imagination, you are free to roam and ride on her roller-coaster bandwagon of passion. It is a wonderful journey of love's unchained melody that will continue to haunt you long after you have put down the book.
It compells you to look at all desirable women from a new perspective. You may curse the day you lift the book and place it before your eyes because you have been a born-again romantic. Sweet Savage Love makes you want to protect and be gentle to the fairer gender. It softens your demeanor and checks your untamed desires towards all women.
Rosemary Rogers lifts her readers up on to a pedestal that forces them to look at love with eyes anew. She gently assuages your mental agonies over unrequited love and weakens your desire to run away from love.
I put this novel right on top among the top 10 romance novels I have read. It is majestic in its presentation; magnificent in its proclamation of love everlasting and prophetic in predicting that there's no place to hide from true love.
Read it and weep with joy.

Your Destiny

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